Welcome to iDetermine!
Do you feel unsafe with or fearful of a current or ex-partner?
Are you worried that your relationship is not healthy?
If your relationship does not feel right, you may be confused about what to do.
We’re Here to Help You!
Learn what level of risk you are facing by taking our Safe Relationship Quiz now!
Get access to a crisis line
Free. Confidential. 24/7.
If you are using a mobile device capable
of texting, contact us 24/7 without
needing a data plan or internet connection.
Are you using a mobile device capable
of calling and do you need to speak to
a crisis line responder?
Learn More
Si vous souhaitez accéder à des services exclusivement en français dans la communauté,
vous pouvez contacter: La Maison d’hébergement pour Femmes francophones au:
647-777-6433 ou Oasis Centre des Femmes au: 416-591-6565.
If you wish to access services exclusively in French in the community, you can contact:
La Maison d’hébergement pour Femmes Francophone at 647-777-6433 or
Oasis Centre des Femmes at 416-591-6565.