There are many signs that your relationship is abusive.
Some of these include, if your partner is:
They do not like you talking to anyone else.
Physically abusive
Pushes, slaps, kicks, punches or throws objects at you.
Does not allow you to have your own bank account.
Monitors you
They call you all the time to check what you are doing.
Humiliates you
Puts you down or embarrasses you on Facebook, Instagram, etc.
Blames you
Says it was your fault for making them angry.
Tries to make you feel
bad about yourself
Calls you bad names and criticizes the way you look.
Pressures you
They force you to do things,
like have sex when you do not want to.
Isolates you
They do not like you seeing your friends or family.
Their past
They have abused other partners.
Some signs mean that you are in extreme danger and you are at a high risk of being seriously hurt or killed by your partner.
These signs must be
taken very seriously.
Do not ignore them and
get help now!
Contact one of our counsellors. We are here to listen and support you with whatever you decide to do.
You are afraid of
your partner
They frighten and scare you with what they say, do or even how they look at you.
Extremely jealous
They act like they own you.
Extremely controlling
You need to ask them to do anything or go anywhere.
Does not allow you access to life necessities
Keeps you from food, water, heat, medicine, or stops you from seeing a doctor.
Threatens you
Says things like, “I am going to kill you” or “you will never see the children again.”
If you do decide to leave, remember that leaving is the most dangerous time in an abusive relationship, so it is very important to plan ahead to make leaving as safe as possible.
Threatens themselves
Says that they will kill or hurt themselves if you end the relationship.
Hurts animals or children
They are cruel and
emotionally cold.
Even if you do not want to leave your relationship, it is a good idea to have a plan in case you need to leave quickly next time your partner gets violent.
Violence is worsening and happening more often
The abuse has become the new ‘normal’ in your life.
Tries to stop you from breathing
Puts their hands or objects around your neck, presses against your throat or covers your nose and mouth.